Value stories: Incident Response Management & Safety Drills

Posted on Categories Value stories

The value stories series are use-cases describing operational activities of the platform. They are intended to provide an insight into key features disregarding the underlying technology but framing the use case in short story form.
For all value stories click here.

Industry: Cross-industry
Key platform capabilities: Situational Awareness Dashboards; Remote Assistance; automatic workflow triggers

Current process

Frontline worker passes out!
Requires nearby colleagues or passers-by to notice and report the incident.
Response team interrogates incident reporter on location and circumstances in order to direct response unit.

Response time: ~30-45 Minutes

New process augmented by XR Sense

Frontline worker passes out!
XR Sense registers the sudden drop and stand-still.
– Device increases local visibility by turning camera flash of and on repeatedly and starts audible beeping.
– Incident is automatically raised to Response team.
Response team sees location of Man-Down on HSSE dashboard and directs closest resource for first response.
– Establish Remote Assist call with Man-Down worker to establish contact, if possible.

Response time: ~5 Minutes


More in-depth information can be found here: Use cases series: Situational Awareness – SOS drill and response management – XR Sense