Our software works on every device.
We analyse the monitoring for you.
We detect costly failures before they happen.
Our AI puts expertise at the fingertips of your staff.
The headset tells your engineer/technician where to look and how to fix it.
For hazard alerts and hazard awareness, nothing protects your staff like XR Sense.

FEATURE DESCRIPTION Starter Pro Enterprise
Auto-start Starts as soon as the device is turned on with no action from the user.
Device ID The device’s unique identifier, which Dashboard commands and received sensory data is specified by.
Log In Secure login using QR code to gain access to app functionalities and Dashboard commands.
Log Out User-driven or Dashboard mandated sign-out via voice command or QR code expiry.
Connection status The service will continue to run when the app has been moved to the background. The notification bar displays the application connection status.
Location Status The GPS location of the device is given as an address location on the Dashboard. The interface and notification display the timelapse of the last update sent.
Local Storage Status Local device storage capacity occupied percentage and backlog image count when offline.
Local Storage Warning App warning when device reaches 90% storage used.
Privacy Mode Turn off image capture, GPS updates and active status on the Dashboard. Only high priority messages are received by device.
Ambient Noise Capture Situational noise captured from the device stored with location information, sent to BE/Sitewise.
Light & Dark UI Modes Dark or bright UI Modes, synced with colour mode of the device settings.
Zone Definition when Offline Current location is displayed on the device. Zones still give the messaging when disconnected (uses only GPS).
Dashboard Functionalities
Dashboard-controlled Image Capture Ability to start and stop image capture Dashboard commands.
Device Visible on Dashboard App communicates device information to the Dashboard.
Device Status on Dashboard App communicates device status to the Dashboard.
Backlog upload to Dashboard Location, sensor, and image data that is captured while offline is uploaded to the Dashboard when back online.
QR Code Generation Create sign-on QR codes for specific users on the Dashboard.
Video Calling Initiate native video calling to the device from the Dashboard.
Zone Definition Geo zones are created on the Dashboard. The device displays which Geo-zone a user is in. App confirmation shared via configurable entry and exit messages when entering or leaving a zone.
Image Capturing
User-controlled Image Capture Start and stop image capture via voice commands from the app.
Background Camera Operation Image capture continues whilst the app has been moved to the background.
Image Frequency Control Dashboard command to set image capture frequency from every 1 to 30 seconds intervals.
Image Capture Type Control Dashboard command to set image between unfiltered or face only.
Immediate Image Upload Captured images and image metadata shown on Dashboard and ordered by date taken.
Messaging Capabilities
Announce Messaging Ability to send audio and/or audio text messages as notifications to the device.
Announce Message Prioritisation Non-urgent messages that can be viewed by user, versus high priority messages that are pushed to user.
Historical messages Most recent messages can be viewed by the user after being received. Ability to select audio on messages for text-to-speech.
SOS Alert SOS event triggered by user issues prompts Dashboard with alert.
Cancel SOS Alert 10-second timer to stop a SOS alert before it is sent to the Dashboard.
Man Down SOS SOS event triggered by drop of device (using accelerometer sensor). Prompts Dashboard with alert.
Device Management Configure device user, site and zone assignment(s) after deployment.
On Demand Snapshot User voice command triggered immediate single image capture at the highest resolution.
Image Luminosity Check Background luminosity check for image capture.
Private Mode Timer Ability for users to apply a timer to Private Mode. App automatically becomes active upon timer elapsed.
User Role Configuration Ability to define worker types. Parameters can then be applied to Logic Automations.
MS Team Video Call Initiate a Microsoft Teams video from the dashboard.
Machine Vision capabilities
MV Image Processing Images sent to Machine Vision stack to be analysed by an MV engine.
Fire Extinguisher Detection Situational detection of fire extinguishers using our Machine Vision model.
Hard Hat Detection Situational detection of hard hats using our Machine Vision model.
Map-based Reporting
GeoSense Mapping Ability to view live-time device location of active users and last known location of inactive devices.
Alerts on Map SOS or Man Down alerts prompts Dashboard with alert with location present on Dashboard map.
Device Movement Reporting Generate configurable map-based reports of historical location updates shared by device(s).
Incident Reporting Generate configurable map-based reports of registered incidents captured from user activity.
Man Down Reporting Generate configurable map-based reports of registered Mandown SOS captured form user activity.
MV Capture Report Generate configurable map-based reports of object detection, date, time and location.
Fire Extinguisher Location Report Generate configurable map-based reports for the detection of fire extinguishers. Automation logic uses the reporting to identify missing fire extinguishers where previously seen.
Logic Automation
Missing Fire Extinguisher Business logic triggers notification to the admin if a user has not recorded a positive fire extinguisher detection in a location commonly found.
Missing PPE Business logic triggers notification to the admin if a worker has been captured without correct PPE by a user in a zone where it is required.
High Risk Area Business logic triggers notification to user(s) when they have entered a zone marked as high risk.
Non-human Zone Business logic triggers notification to admin and user when they have entered a zone marked as no entry for workers.
User Restricted Zone Business logic triggers notification to admin and user when they have entered a zone classified for workers of a different role.
User SOS Business logic triggers notification to the admin when a user has declared a self-emergency.
Set Up and Configure Zones
Zone Configuration Configure zone entry & exit messages, assign zone priority, permission level and zone type.
Image Capture Control by Zone Image capture automatically begins upon zone entry. Image capture stops when the zone is exited.
Zone Duration Report Generate configurable map-based heatmap of total time spent in each zone per user(s).
Evacuation & Muster Zoning Admin ability to declare a zone emergency and instruct users within an evacuation zone to move to a defined muster zone; with live updates on their movement.
Zone Specific Announcements Ability to broadcast urgent alerts to all users in a specific zone(s).
User Specific Announcements Ability to broadcast alerts to all users of a defined role(s).
HSSE Dashboard Single-screen Dashboard for HSE Managers to monitor the activity of multiple sites at a glance.
XR Sense (non-Realwear) XR Sense deployable on other mobile hardware.
XR Sense iOS XR Sense deployable on iOS.
UWB and BLE Implementation Device positioning and image data transmitted to XR SenseDashboard via Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity.
IoT Machinery Tracker Installed devices to monitor vehicle movement or status of crucial machinery.
Hazard Detection
Dropped Object Risk Detection Situational detection of dropping object risks using our Machine Vision model.
Broken Glass Detection Situational detection of broken glass on site walkways using our Machine Vision model.
Lighting Without Safety Net Detection Situational detection of lighting fixtures without safety net glass on site using our Machine Vision model.
Pump & Pipe Leak Detection Situational detection of leaking pipes and fixtures on site using our Machine Vision model.
Fire Detection Situational detection of fire present on site using our Machine Vision model.
Signage Detection Situational detection of signage present on site using our Machine Vision model.
Automated Logic
Navigate to Location Business logic triggered when the user has alerted SOS and provided no response. Last location of the device can be shared with another user to locate an unresponsive worker.
Escalate to Emergency Services Escalate site emergency to an external response.
Machinery Servicing Business logic triggers notification to the admin when a machine needs maintenance. Assigned as a task to an active user.
Dropped Object Mitigation Business logic triggers notification to the admin if a user has recorded a positive detection of a dropped object risk. Automatic task creation to investigate and resolve.
Broken Glass Resolution Business logic triggers notification to the admin if a user has recorded a positive detection of a broken glass hazard. Automatic task creation to investigate and resolve.
Lighting Without Safety Net Resolution Business logic triggers notification to the admin if a user has recorded a positive detection of a light fixture without a safety net. Automatic task creation to investigate and resolve.
Leak Resolution Business logic triggers notification to the admin if a user has recorded a positive detection of a leaking fixture. Automatic task creation to investigate and resolve.
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