Value stories: Situational Awareness for Asset Management

Posted on Categories Value stories

The value stories series are use-cases describing operational activities of the platform. They are intended to provide an insight into key features disregarding the underlying technology but framing the use case in short story form.
For all value stories click here.

Industry: Cross-industry
Key platform capabilities: Situational Awareness Dashboards; Remote Assistance; automatic workflow triggers

Value story:

An operator is sent by control room to investigate an electrical system warning. Upon entering the zone she receives information that she entered an ATEX Zone 1 Div 1 area and that a permit was completed for a pump filter change.

She notices that the certain lights are off so it is most likely a breaker issue as a result of the previous permit. She calls the control room. The control room is able to identify where she is on the HSSE dashboard and guide her through a Remote Assistance call to the correct circuit breaker.

As she approaches the circuit breaker a list of applicable workflows is automatically  provided that helps her identify the right switches to resolve the situation.