When XR-Sense does not receive a video call from the dashboard, this could mean a few things such as…
Internet connection:
Make sure the HMT and the device the user is calling from is connected to the internet. This can be done by going to “My Programmes”, “My Controls”, “Wireless Network”, “Wireless Network Settings”. The user will then select which network they want to connect to and which network they are currently connected to.
Use Google not Safari if on a Mac:
Google is far more compatible with XR-Sense than Safari
Camera enabled on laptop and HMT:
To enable camera on your Mac, select the apple logo located top left of your screen, select system preferences, navigate to security and privacy, select camera and select Google Chrome to enable camera.
To enable camera on the HMT the user will have to go into “My Programmes”, “Settings”, “Apps and Notifications”, “XR-Sense”, “Permissions” then “Camera” and “Allow”.